Thank you for the well wishes. It appears everything has passed. I had the flu 3 weeks ago, so I didn't want to risk making this cold worse than it was and wanted to rest. Didn't workout; but stuck to my diet.
9:30am - 2 scoops of Whey Protein mixed in 1 cup of soymilk
11:10am - Workout:Chest & Bis
Incline DB Press: 15lb (will go up 5lbs)
Incline Flyes:15lb (will go up 5lbs)
Flat Bench: 2 sets 50lbs; 1 set 55lbs (will go up to 55lbs alll 3 sets)
3 sets on all 6 reps - 6 sec TUT
Incline Curls:15lb (will go up 5lbs)
Preacher Curls (machine): 20lbs (will go up 5lbs)
2 sets on all....8 reps - 6 sec TUT
Lost 3lbs!!!!
New Weight: 132
*New Range: 1320-1584*
12:00pm - 1/2 scoop of whey protein mixed w/ 1/2 cup of soy milk
1/2 cup of chicken breast and 1.25 cup of baked sweet potato; 4 Leverox & 1 Sesapure; 2 & Glucorell
3:00pm - 1 cup of baked sweet potato and 1 whole egg; 2 CB & 2 Glucorell
6:00pm - 1 Turkey Patty, 1.75 cups of brocoli & .25cup of pecan halves; 1 Sesapure
9:00pm - .5 cup of soymilk & .5 serving of casein; 4 Leverox & 1 Sesapure;
Total: 1499 calories 46 fat (30%) 128 carbs (30%) 141 protein (40%)