New member
Split leg Squats(just the bar)
55KG 1 set of 5 per leg
As I was trying to keep balance I had to tighten my core and it flared up my back again. After ready online what it could be Im worried now that its a hernia so Imma play it safe and stop working out completely until the doctors can tell me what it is. If thats gonna be weeks or months I dunno but Im struggling to sleep with it as it is now just after it was getting better.
Since im not workoing out Im not gonna be gaining any weight so Im gonna go on a Keto diet and do some light cycling to shed the fat Ive gained. Hopefully theres some lean gain from the past 10 weeks too.
Hiatus started
55KG 1 set of 5 per leg
As I was trying to keep balance I had to tighten my core and it flared up my back again. After ready online what it could be Im worried now that its a hernia so Imma play it safe and stop working out completely until the doctors can tell me what it is. If thats gonna be weeks or months I dunno but Im struggling to sleep with it as it is now just after it was getting better.
Since im not workoing out Im not gonna be gaining any weight so Im gonna go on a Keto diet and do some light cycling to shed the fat Ive gained. Hopefully theres some lean gain from the past 10 weeks too.
Hiatus started