hey M56M!!!!
nice to see ya over here!
first off, i will start my advice off with what i do which works pretty well for me. i can only get into the gym 4 days a wk due to work. also keep in mind that i do not compete and i lift for more of the tone/fitness look. sounds like that might be what you are trying to strive towards anyway. these girls have already given some really sound advice!!!!!
*keep in mind - genetics and drive are huge components towards staying fit and looking good. those are two things you cannot do for her.*
i work two days on and two days off.
day 1 - back and bi's + 30 min cardio
day 2 - legs and abs + 30 min cardio
day 3 - off
day 4 - off
day 5 - chest and tri's + 30 min cardio
day 6 - shoulders and abs + 30 min cardio
repeat cycle.
my reps are b/w 14-16 which works out perfect for me. too much weight might add too much muscle and too light of weight....well what is the point?!?
example diet for the day - which i might add is another huge factor in shaping:
8 AM: oatmeal or cottage cheese and fruit
10AM: protein bar
1PM: grilled chicken breast with two sides of green veggies
3PM: protein bar or yogurt
5PM: tuna with side of green veggie
8-9PM: protein shake
i also drink a lot of water.
btw, i am sure a lot of this stuff you already know!

some other great advice the girls gave is to get her on the boards! it is fun and it is a useful tool. also, she really ought to try working out with you on your program but with lighter weights. definately in the beginning so you can show her the ropes and get her started! shyt, that would be great motivation and fun for me! gee, i mean, i would absolutely love to have a s.o. to work out with! that sounds like tons of fun!
whew! okay, my fingers hurt now! lol!
if you do get her on here, tell her to shoot me a pm! lol sweetie! hope i can meet her!