6-17-13: OHP
Rear delt raises and BB style pull ups between sets
DB Side Raise
2x12x20s drop setted with 5s for 6 reps
10x20s drop setted with 7.5s for 6 reps
Weighed dips
Supinated Tricep pushdowns
Hammer curls (rich piana style)
10x37.5s drop setted by 27.5s for 6
Side Raise machine with shrugs in between
3 or 4 sets of 10-20 reps on both
Decent day in the gym today, great day overall. Was really busy all day, had my first class at my community college this summer. Being around a lot of hot girls (but not nearly as many as UCSB) helped make me feel high test again. Haven't seen more than 1-2 hot girls a day since Thursday. Well I guess at the gym on Saturday, but I was too focused on lifting. After class we went to the gym, ran into a lot of people I know from high school (and saw more hot girls!) there which was kind of distracting but I still managed to get a good workout. Would have been better in a garage dungeon gym but the world isn't perfect.
OHP was all right, wasn't trying to go heavy so this was just about right, worked on technique a bit. Side raises were good, dips, bad idea to do them before another shoulder movement because my front delts got super pumped which fucked everything else up. I'm thinking of putting OHP and all other front delt heavy movements at the end of my shoulder day until my rear and side delts catch up, then putting it at the beginning again and shooting my lift waaaayyyy up. I'll start with 5x5x115 at the end of my next shoulder day and work up from there. Triceps went fairly well, they're nice and stiff and sore right now especially in the long head which almost never happens. Hammer curls were good my biceps are really sore (in fact my right bicep just almost cramped when I flexed it just now). Forearms not so much but they definitely got worked hard-had a good pump/stiffness going in the gym. It'll just take some time before they get up to where everything else is (same with rear and side delts, which definitely got worked but aren't stiff/sore right now either). Side raise machine/shrugs were all right but I definitely can't train front delts before hand. My bodybuilder friend was noticing the same thing, you can hit side delts way better if you do it after rear delts and before front delts. Prioritizing.
Right after the gym we got burritos then as soon as I got home I had to go to kempo. I lost my cup so I was pretty nervous, and I did end up getting hit in the balls twice. Not super bad but definitely hurt. It's all right though, I had a great session. Over this last year I've grown a lot in the sense that I have learned to get out of my own head more and live in the moment, and how to be less stiff/formal and less concerned with walking on eggshells trying not to offend people. Going to kempo today was great because I could just completely be immersed in what I was doing, and I was able to do a great job even though I'm rusty. I impressed myself, and I felt on top of the world afterwards. Super high test!!!
So overall, today was a great day!