6-8-2012: Meet
5:30 AM Weigh In
215 lbs:
215 weigh in - YouTube
6:10 AM Squat
Only worked up to 275 because my hip and shoulder were bothering me, I'm going to need to do a hard deload and revamp my squat technique because my squat has been a rotting pile of sh*t since I jumped my training max by 20 lbs back in March. Also going to start doing hip rehab on top of my shoulder rehab, I'm going to be googling around for it but if anybody has any good links or advice I would be extremely grateful for it.
No video (nothing worth filming anyways). But check this out instead, my best squat to date!:
345x4 Squat - YouTube
6:45 AM Bench
Worked up to 275. My shoulder and hip were still bothering me from the squat but my groove felt decent. Probably would have had 300 in me on a good day but today I felt pretty average, maybe a little sh*tty, when I attempted 300 I was so focused on arching and squeezing the bar tight that I forgot to pinch my shoulderblades and get my back tight. Retarded mistake on my part. I still got it off my chest but I held it about 2 inches off for a good 3 sec before trying to say grab it, which came out as "BLARGHAKHJKLAJKLFSADFASDF".
275 Bench - YouTube
7:30 AM Deadlift
445 went up like I could have cleaned it (not really but you get the idea). That was my last "warm up" set. Didn't get the video but my buddy said it was really fast, smooth, seamless, etc. I might also mention that this tore my previously ripped callus. No blood, but the fresh skin underneath was revealed, so I had to wrap it up.
475 Was OK, torn callus made it feel way heavier than it was:
475 Dead - YouTube
500 was questionable, my form was pretty sh*tty because I focused more on getting pysched up (aka yelling way too much) and not enough on technique, nevertheless I got it to lockout, with what probably would be redlighted in competition in terms of hitching. Not to mention that I dropped it. Either way I'm still going to count it, I have no doubt I could have hit it clean on a good day.
500 deadlift - YouTube
Totaled 275+275+500=1050. Yes I did not pause the bench, yes I dropped and slightly hitched the deadlift, but hey, I'm confident I could total over 1000 in USAPL competition, even if I felt like crap, and I probably could get 1200 if everything went smoothly and I felt great that day. I'm going to jump into a new training cycle now, I'm heavy and fat as f*ck right now so it's more geared towards cutting, not to mention I'm going to be doing cardio 4 times per week, but here it is:
Tues: Squat and Front Squat
5/3/1 Squat (sets of 10 captains of crush between sets)
5/3/1 Front Squat (wrist curls between sets)
4x8 GMs
4x8 abs (sets of 3 pull ups between sets)
Wed: Bench and Pendlays
5/3/1 Bench (face pulls between sets) with close grips on down pyramid
5/3/1 Pendlays
4x8 DB Incline Bench
4x8 fat bar DB chest supported rows
Fri: CJ and Deadlift
5/3/1 C/J
5/3/1 DL (dips between sets)
5x10 Squat
4x8 abs (sets of 5 chin ups between sets)
Sun: Strongman
I also have 2 other training cycles written up, one is a 3 day/week cutting program and another is a 4 day a week bulking program I plan on doing this winter, I will be running 1 cycle of this 4 week cutting program, then 1 of the 3 day cycle, then one of the 4 day cycle, for reasons I will explain when the time comes. Until then, I'll be cutting, cardioing, and lifting like a BAWS, while sleeping 10 hours a night because it's summer!
Also I turned 18 today at 8:02 AM.