6-1-12: Meathead Madness
6:30 AM: Squat and Bench
Worked up to 4x335, then rested 10 sec, then got 1 more rep with 335.
Worked up to 3x255
Jumped down to 7x225 then effed myself up minorly
Pendlay Rows
worked up to 10x155
Face pulls and shoulder dislocations in between sets of sq/bench
2:00 PM: Supplementary lifts
Good Mornings
Weighted Chin Ups
Weighted decline Sit Ups
Weighted Dips
Today was an all right day. On my squat I felt my set up wasn't so good (bar position and tightness could have been better), but I still got 4x335, so I rested 10 sec, readjusted, and did 1 properly set up rep after the 4. On my bench I might have had one more rep on 255, but I wasn't looking to go to failure. Then I did something really stupid.
I had a lot of time left over so I figured I might as well get some more volume on my bench. I decided I could get 9 reps with 225 because I got 8 reps with 230, and my friend (the pancake one) plugged his ipod into the speakers and started playing I by Meshuggah. I got really pumped up from the blasting music and lifted the 225 really dynamically. Unfortunately on the first rep this caused my back to come off the bench from the compensatory acceleration, and I lost my arch/tightness and I hit failure on the 8th rep. I racked it and tried setting up right again, then attempted another rep within 10 sec of going to failure, but since I'd already gone to failure I missed my second attempt with a good arch at that 8th rep. In my pump up-edness I made the stupid and egotistical decision to push past failure, which is exactly what I was trying to avoid on 255.
Anyways, one good thing that could come out of that overly dramatic story is that I did bench 6x225 with a flat back (7 if you count the arched first rep), which I guess you could say is a PR for me, my previous flat back PR being 5x195 from almost a year ago. Either way I was stupid, hopefully this won't negatively affect my meet next week. Bro science solution: just eat/sleep a lot and you'll be fine.
I came back to the gym later that day to get in some supplementary lifts, since I was going to have to stay after school (I usually get out at 1:30ish) anyways for an anatomy project, and I got some decent work in. I wanted to do some front squats but my project group needed me and I didn't have time. I was surprised at how much ab strength I've lost since I last did weighted sit ups, last time I was able to get 3 sets of 15 reps easily with a 25 lb plate behind my head, so after my meet I'm going to have to start doing weighted abs again.
Since this post is already really long I'm going to write down my adjusted meet goals: For my squat I don't think I can hit 405, but I"m opening with 345, aiming for at least 375, if that feels easy I'll go for 385, and if 375 feels like absolutely nothing I"ll go for 405. On my bench I'll open with 255, aim for at least 275, if that feels easy I'll attempt 300, if it feels hard or I fail it I'm going to 2 board press 300. Last comes the deadlift, I'm aiming for at least 475 but that should be a breeze, then 500, which I'm very confident I can get, and if I feel like I have more in me I'll go for 510, since that's my predicted max, and over half the world record.
That is one hell of a long post, if you've made it this far then I apologize for my rambling, I guess I've missed writing in my training log since I only trained 2 days this week.