Day 6: arms
My knee was a but bothered from sprinting so I layed off today.
Eliptical: wu 10 min
Stepmill: 30 min at 80 spm
Tricep pushdowns: 1x15x20, 3x15x25
Rope pulldowns: 4x15x20
Overhead rope pull: 3x15x20
Alt DB Curls: 3x10x15
DB Hammers: 3x10x12.5
Preacher: 3x10xbar(35?)
Bike: 30 min
Eliptical: 30 min
Chillin in the sauna now. Legs feel funny lol. No run in withthe ex so I had a great workout!!
Great work this week Jen. Nice job on your cardio today and your arm workout. You have made some great strides in just a week and this is only the beginning. So proud of you. Your body is already starting to shape up. I will have your ab workouts and a few other little tweaks to you by Monday. Take your rest day as planned tomorrow. Let your body heal up because we are taking to the next level starting monday!