Ok here we go:
Do a warm up like elliptical or whatever Cardio you like best. 10 min. This will get the blood flowing to those legs.
Barbell Squats - 1x20 wu
Ramp up weight each set.
If you are physically capable of it legs respond so very well to reps like this. Outstanding for gluts (butt) too.
Leg press- 1x15
I really like the way you put the leg press right after the squats. That is the very best way to get the max benefit from the let press.
Jen be sure and keep your back str8 while doing the leg press. That keeps strain off of your lower back. Most peeps dont know that.
Lying leg curls- 5x15
Drop set 5th set to failure at each weight.
Db walking lunges- 4 sets total 20 each leg with a weight you can keep good form with.
Jen with these it is very important that with the leg that you are stepping out with that you place your heel so that your shin is 90° to the floor. Do Not have your step out foot back under your knee on that leg. If you dont understand this say so and I will explain it better for you.
Calf raises 5x15 on whatever machine you are comfy with. I use a barbell but you might have one you prefer.
Nope no machine!!
Nelson Montana says that a dumbell in your hand on the working side is best for calve development.
Also wear high heels any time you can. That right there maks some dam sexy gamz sista!
This is alot of volume so be conservative with your weight at first. I know you are used to more exercises than this but trust the process. Let me know what you like and what you don't after you try it and we can adjust. I personally do 5x15 leg extensions in addition to this but zed hates those and if you have knee issues they can be rough.
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