Today -
15 mins cycling
2 circuits of shoulder rehab stuff, stretches, scapula retraction and protraction etc
Close Neutral Chins:
Bodyweight x near failure. Reps: 9, 6, 5. (9 is a pr)
Flat BB:
bar x 8
88lbs x 8
110lbs x 8
132lbs x 8
132lbs x 8
143lbs x 8
143lbs x 8
121lbs x 15
Incline DB
50lbs x 6
44lbs x 8
40lbs x 9 SHORT RESTS
Assisted Dips (deep)
45lbs assistance x 10, 9, 7
Incline DB Zottman Curls ---> love these!
22lbs x 12, 15, 13, 10, 12, 15 Bi's and forarms pumped as fuck!
30mins cycling