I am using HCGenerate on cycle and intend to finish up the post cycle combo (2 bots of each)
i'm asking because my buddy did not run hcgenerate during cycle....wondering if it's too late for him to run it during pct....nevermind, will try to get him to run everything during PCT....
^^^^. Needtobuildmuscle.com. And I'd just like to say that hcgenerate is my favorite supplement of ALL time, not only has it saved me from some bad decisions I've made in my past, but it continues to make me feel just plain great!!
So what about using HCGenerate without ever being on a cycle? My sex drive/libido has been low for sometime now, the only reasons i can guess would be a slow functioning thyroid and being borderline diabetic. btw i've been using Need 2 Slin and Forged Burner and i've been feeling greater than i have in a while and burning fat like crazy. thank you guys so much