24/03/2025 Weekly wrap up
Average weight for the week is 95.9, down 1.4kg from 97.3kg the week before.
Calories have been sitting around goal targets, with a couple days being over by 50-100g carbs. One day was over by a good 1500 calories due to an event. Calories will stay the same for this week with a goal of 2130cal/194P/60F/202C
Still on 125mg
@Corepharma test e a week split twice as my TRT dose. 4 more weeks of this then should be right to up the dosages. Also running 250iu HCG 3xweek to maintain fertility til end of first trimester.
As mentioned earlier having some slight pain in my AC ligament. Training will be adapted to accommodate for this and will drop down to a 4 session week.
I will take it easy on my shoulders for a few weeks. I also have some BPC+TB coming from my sponsor
@Corepharma to run alongside some stretching and light rehab shoulder work.
I've been incorporating more stretching daily which has revealed multiple muscle imbalances. some which can be seen in these progress photos. The plan is to continue working through them and even out my body. My posing needs some work as well which can be addressed in the coming weeks.
Overall it was a successful week and looking forward to getting it done again this week.