Trust me when I tell you, OH YES IT CAN.
... but I hope, for your sake, that it never does.
The best thing you can do for yourself is stay as far away from bad influences as you humanly, possibly can. Another bit of advice (that you may not want to hear, but I will say it anyway.) There are all sorts of negative influences and MANY wear "christian clothing."
Not knocking christians before anybody gets their back up. I only stated this because from this young man's previous posts it is a fair assumption that he may rely too heavily for guidance from those who CLAIM to have found spiritual enlightenment and salvation. <--- this applies to people of many religions and philosophies but because he is a christian, he may be especially susceptible to such influence.
OK no more religion talk on this thread.... at least not from me.
(The only person you can truly ever control 100%, Gladiator - IS YOURSELF. Remember that. This knowledge will come in very handy throughout your entire life.)