Chaste, this is an example of what the diet looks like:
5:00AM -wake-up
5:30 -workout
8:00 -5 eggwhites/oatmeal/glutamine/apple or banana
10:30 -Isopure zero carb drink
12:30-1:30PM -1 can of tuna or chicken; two pieces of wheat bread; banana
4:00 -Isopure zero carb drink
7:00 - 1 12-16 oz grilled steak and baked potato or sweet potato
10:00 -Isopure zero carb drink
10:30 -bed time
**1.5-2 gallons of water a day //VERY IMPORTANT// and none of this cheat day stuff except for my sunday dinner after church**
This is what me and my training partners did as a workout. I was in the military so luckily I was army certified as a trainer and a couple of my former subordinates have their army and civilian certifications, and we work-out together still to this day:
MONDAY-entire leg (cardio, press, ext, ham curls, calf raises)
TUES-back/biceps/shoulders (T-bar, low row, pull downs/preacher curl, dumbell curl, hammer curl/military press)
WED- chest/triceps/forearms (incline dumbell, cables-high,med,low; decline bar/ext, rev ext./forearm curls)
THURS-same as monday
FRI-same as tuesday
SAT- same as wed