ok guys, im going to jump ship on the smolov and other routines... i PROMISE i will do smolov later this year when i run another cycle, and when ALL i am doing are squats... but with this body transformation contest going, i cant be training solely as a powerlifter, and there are only so many hours i can spend in the gym...
i will be training by instinct like i have in the past...
more front squats, because they make my quads look better...
more deadlift reps with 400+....
less back squats will be what i mainly take away... i have learned a lot from these programs and will implement what i can... but because of the sponsorship and the prize money, i have to change my goals for the moment, and that will mean i have to sacrifice a lot of time into this...
it is becoming a full time job eating, training and logging this event...
i feel sad to have to bail on the smolov, but like others reccomended before i will get better results from it if ran alone, and i will do that later this year... hopefully after the memorial day weekend event in venice beach im planning on...
anyways... i will also be doing fasted cardio in the am per needto... so that should be miserable!!
ok todays workout...
wendsday 2/2/11
7x135, 3x225, 2x315, 2x405, 1x445
1x495 with belt
no belt
3x455 hitched last rep a bit
power shrugs
front squats
8x135, 4x185, 1x225,
add knee wraps
barbell rows
cambered bar curls
concentration curls
8x25 per arm
8x25 after 10 sec rest
cable cross curls
rear delt cable cross
lat pulldowns
slow up, explode down...
10x100 was a dropset...
low pulley row
check out my gallery...
will have second week pics up on friday... took them today, and i tell you there is a huge difference already...