Oh no, I'd never disappear on you!!

It's been so nice here the last few days that I've been outside in my pond.
Yesterday I spent 6 hours in the garden getting it ready and planting all my veggies. This way I'll always have fresh salad at my fingertips.
Thursday if it's nice, I plan on draining and cleaning the pond and getting it all ready. It's an all day/night job but someone has to do it!!
This is my passion away from work
Other than that, workouts are still going great!! I had my meeting Sunday(I'll email you about that) & also had my BF tested again.
It was suggested to me that I take a week off. Not sure if I can do that.
Maybe a day or 2 but 7. That scares me.
I'm also looking for new workouts to try so if "anyone" wants to throw some at me...please do!! I want a change & a challenge.
Thanks for thinking about me thandie. You're a gem!!