I am seeing more changes in my upper body than my lower. (I've been told that legs take allot longer to develop. Yes?)
How so? More visible muscle size or something else?
Just throwing some stuff out there.

New muscle and/or improved conditioning could be more evident in the upper just b/c we generally carry much less fat upstairs, so even a pound or two of new muscle will tend to jump out at you. Also, the quads group and the hams are long, large muscles, so adding a bit there is really hard to notice, while adding a bit to the arms would make a bigger impact.
Lastly, could just be genetic for you. You may have hardgainer legs. Mine are "rabbit" legs, meaning they grow very easily. Three months back into training and I squat 205 for 16 to about 3" below parallel, but I have total stringbean arms despite my best efforts. You could be the other way around maybe and see a lot of improvement upstairs before much seems to be happening below the hips.