Well first off this is my first post over here, so hi everybody. Second this fat free miracle whip, its fairly low in calories and fat free. What do you guys think about all of those extra ingredients. Is this stuff any good.
I think it's a modified 'cat of nine tails' that is stored in the Vatican along with the Shroud of Turin. It was used on Christ on his was to Calgary. That's why it's called the 'Miracle Whip'.
Now, yes, I've used miracle whip, but I don't really see many uses for it. It's so light and doesn't fill me up, yet I've eaten 2 tbsp. while on CKD and it cut my cravings.
I use a little in my tuna......after having straight tuna for a couple of months, I just couldn't stand it anymore....and it dosn't seem to hurt my progress at all
be lucky you have such "miracle" crap available to you. All i can get in paris is 200%fat added stuff. They love the fat and richness here. Not good for dieteres....