*3/1/12 AM weight = 188.0
2/29/12 Back & Bi's
Light Deads = 135x15, 3x10 225
Pulldowns = 87.5x20, 125x12, 140x10, 150x8
Hammer Strength Rows = 200x10, 187.5x10, 162.5x8
Hammer Strength Low Rows = 80x15, 105x10, 105x10 (weight per side)
Hammer Strength Pulldowns = 70x12, 80x10, 80x10 (weight per side)
BB Curls = 65x12, 85x8, 85x10
DB Curls = 30x8, 30x8, 30x8
Standing Incline Concentration Curls = 20x12, 15x20, 15x20
Standing One-Arm Cable Curls = 30x15 3 sets each arm
**Had an awesome workout, felt really good with great focus.
***Same supps, added 12g of Glutamine per day.
****Pinning second shot of Test-E today, 250ml.