New member
I swear to GOD. I just made these things and I forgot I was on the CKD diet. You have to make these. Here is the recipe. 1 tbs. butter in skillet. Mix 1 scoop vanilla soy iso powder, 3 egg whites, 6 drops of stevia and a dash of cinnamon. Cook in skillet. Here is the kicker. Add 1 tbs. of natty peanut butter with a small handful of walnuts. One serving has about 400 calories, 5 carbs and the rest protien and fat. It has higher fat than protien so don't worry about that. These things rock. I always had bacon,eggs and stuff for breakfast but that will all change now. I am going to make another. I am on the CKD bulk plan so who the hell cares about another 400 calories. Oh yeh, I was cravingmilk with it so I took 2 1/2 tbs. of half and half and mixed it with stevia and a little water and walla, close to milk but did me preaty good.