hey guys i know i havent posted anything in here since FOREVER so heres the rundown...
at the beginning of summer i kinda re-injured my right elbow throwing a baseball, after a month of physical therapy and nothing happening, i went to a specialist and he said if i wanted to get it 100% healed and never feel pain in it again i would have to have surgery, and he didnt recommend it if i wasent playing baseball so i never got it. Now i only get pain when i throw a baseball,
since school started i have been lifting after school, i had lost a lot of strength over the summer from not really lifting but now its all back for the most part.
i lift 4 times a week after school here is what i have been doing.
MONDAY: biceps and triceps
TUESDAY: legs and abs
WEDNESDAY: chest and shoulders
THURSDAY:back and abs
i havent been following EXACT exercises just doing kinda whatever so im wanting to put in some exercises so i know exactly what im doing before i get in there. Foe ex. this is an average week
MONDAY: biceps:
EZ bar curl 3 x 8-10
DB curl 3 x 8-10
45 lb bar plus 5 lbs 3 x 5-10
French curl 3 x 8-10
tri-extension 3 x 8-10
skullcrushers 3 x failure
parallel box squat 4-5 x 5-10
leg curls 3 x 10-20
calf raises machine 3 x 10-20
this exercise where i stand on the edge of a box and go down like im gunna touch my toes with a 45 lb plate 3 x 10
flat bb bench: 3 sets of 5-10
decline bb press: 3 sets of 8-10
db incline 3 x 8-10
military press 3 sets of 8-10
db flys 3 sets of 10 going straight out and straight to the side
shrugs 3 sets of 10-20
deadlift 3 x 5-8
rows 3 x 8-10
chin-ups 3 x sub-failure
For my legs my main goal is to get more explosive so i can be faster and jump higher for basketball.
my other goal is to just gain muscle and keep on getting more toned