I've read and practised both
- HIIT as a good method to shed fat
- GVT as a good method of building quality mass
However German volume training is best not to perform more than 6-8 weeks otherwise overtraing likely occur and you reach point of diminishing returns. Several experts suggest to do 3 weeks of LOWER volume after GVT, more convential style training to aid in total recovery before you hit the next GVT cycle.
I think that those 3 weeks are ideal to include some HIIT to get rid of some fat you got from the massbuilding GVT routine. In this routine HIIT days serve as "off days" for weight lifting so that you get 5 days between hitting a muscle again with weights, using lower volume. in 24 days you will have done 12 HIIT sessions enough to burn the bits of fat you got from GVT while maintaining most of the muscle mass.
German Volume Training for 8 weeks
objective: build maximum quality mass
Low volume weight training with increased recovery time and HIIT on "rest days" for 24 days
objective burn fat, while maintain as much muscle as possible
pec bi
delt trap tri
- hiit
uploback rdelt
- hiit
pec bi
delt trap tri
- hiit
uploback rdelt
- hiit
pec bi
delt trap tri
- hiit
uploback rdelt
- hiit
pec bi
delt trap tri
- hiit
uploback rdelt
- hiit
- HIIT as a good method to shed fat
- GVT as a good method of building quality mass
However German volume training is best not to perform more than 6-8 weeks otherwise overtraing likely occur and you reach point of diminishing returns. Several experts suggest to do 3 weeks of LOWER volume after GVT, more convential style training to aid in total recovery before you hit the next GVT cycle.
I think that those 3 weeks are ideal to include some HIIT to get rid of some fat you got from the massbuilding GVT routine. In this routine HIIT days serve as "off days" for weight lifting so that you get 5 days between hitting a muscle again with weights, using lower volume. in 24 days you will have done 12 HIIT sessions enough to burn the bits of fat you got from GVT while maintaining most of the muscle mass.
German Volume Training for 8 weeks
objective: build maximum quality mass
Low volume weight training with increased recovery time and HIIT on "rest days" for 24 days
objective burn fat, while maintain as much muscle as possible
pec bi
delt trap tri
- hiit
uploback rdelt
- hiit
pec bi
delt trap tri
- hiit
uploback rdelt
- hiit
pec bi
delt trap tri
- hiit
uploback rdelt
- hiit
pec bi
delt trap tri
- hiit
uploback rdelt
- hiit