How did you eat before you gained the 20lb? Usually if you make a big change in your weight over a short period of time, its fairly easy to drop it back because your body prefers to stay at your weight before whatever big change. What was the big weight change do to?
1) Best tip is to take a look at your diet & make the changes to clean it up - if you can post up your diet like the other girls on their journals, put your meal plan in a food counts program like, we can look at ways to clean it up. That's how you start. No quickie ways to drop it - just clean up yoru diet, make it consistent, hit the gym, do some cardio.
2) You can look at the recipe thread at the top - but stay away from all these pre-packaged "low carb" foods. They have other shit in them to make them low carb. There's no such thing as a "free" food. Other stuff that make for good snacks are sugar-free ice pops, crystal lite, almonds - if you don't have them in your diet. But first let's look at your current diet.
3) - dont' worry about "extra strength" supplements -there are things you can take that will give you a boost a little or optimize your diet, but none of them matter if your diet & training aren't cleaned up.
Let's start w/ your diet & training - can you please post those up?
Thx! Welcome to the ladies' board!