Hey girl ... well done on getting a handle on where to start! Look, I have a mild form of OCD (you should see me with my check register, utter neuorosis). What I've discovered personally is that you generally are a little compulsive at first, until you get a feel for it, then you get more comfortable with it and you start to relax.
And the fiber can be an issue, be sure that your carbs are coming from whole foods with a strong emphasis on raw/steamed veggie. Shoot, there are plenty of people that don't even count fibrous vegetables and salads -- not the dressings/fats mind you, they just treat greens like free food. Another thought, don't hesitate to add something like a clear fiber drink (like Benifiber, don't make that the entire source of your fiber but certainly it can be a helpful additive) to your diet, no harm there (it would be different if you were on something like a competition diet, but your goal is making long term sustainable
healthy changes.
Don't forget your water, either. Water is intrinsic to fat metabolism. The general rule of thumb is you want to be taking in as close to a gallon of pure water (not counting sugar free beverages, juices, coffee, tea or milk) sipped throughout the day. It sounds like a lot, but if you get a really big cup or bottle and keep that with you and just get into the habit of drinking throughout the day it gets easier. I work from home, I have what I call my "sippie cup"

It's a 32 oz. glass, I usually have two of those drunk by noon (heck, I drink half a glass just taking my morning vitamins) so I'm halfway there before the day is even half over. Be good to your body and don't drink straight tape water (chlorine, blech) but save yourself the money, and splurge on a really good tap filter or one of those water filter pitchers. Personally, I'm none to wild about just plain water, but I add a splash of Perrier to it and it makes the whole glass a little carbonated and quite pleasant. Some folks use the Crystal Light additives, I try to avoid artificial sweeteners and colors at all costs but that's viable an option, as well (again, not if you're on a competition diet).