First, based on all the nutrition bars I've had, the Meso-tech bar chocolate flavor is the best, in my opinion. I do not think that its bad to eat a bar everyday, especially if your eating over 2500 calories a day, because you may get tired of "real" food. Personally, I would rather eat a low-carb bar instead of a meso-tech bar. Meso-tech bars have too many carbs in them. I like to eat my carbs from low GI sources, excluding postworkout. A suggestion is the Nitro-tech bar, they taste amazing, especially for a low carb bar. I also just had designers choc triplement and those taste great too. One problem with bars is the lack of fiber and on a positive note, the Nitro-tech bar has 2 grams per bar according to the label(choc.flavor, the only one I've tried).