Squat 1 x 5
bar x 2 x 5
135 x 2 x 3
185 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5
245 x 5
265 x 5
Hard, might've overshot. Will probably only go to 270 next Fri. Happy with form/depth, though. Even my wife said I was low enough
Bench 5 x 5
bar x 8
135 x 5
185 x 1
225 x 5 x 5
No problems, started to tire around 4th set, though.
BB row 5 x 5
bar x 8
135 x 5
185 x 1
205 x 5 x 5
Tried underhand grip every other set just to try it. Felt OK, I may continue this.
Powershrug (from hang) 5 x 5
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 2
405 x 5 x 5
Started feeling heavy. Really heaved the weight up although not sure how high my shoulders got.
BB curls
65 x 2 x 10
75 x 1 x 9
Gave up on skulls, too tired.
Weighted Hypers
65 x 3 x 8
Weighted Decline Situps
15 x 3 x 10
Week 2 summary: Probably harder than it should've been, next couple weeks will be very small increments on squat, bench and OHP. Kinda strange since at least from a bench standpoint I'm sure my 1RM went up from Korte - I mean I tested it - not a lot but it went up. But these 5 rep sets at 80% or so are pretty hard. With Korte I did a lot of volume at 60% and minimal at 90-100%, so I'm wondering if I got weaker in this range.
I liked it. Elbow might've felt better, range of motion maybe a little better. Not a huge difference, though. In terms of 'feeling my lats', hard to say since at 5 reps I don't really feel them either way.
The squat part of the workout seems a little under-repped for a 5x5 but that Friday workout just keeps on going. I'm going to be astonished if you're still doing all that in two weeks' time.