current stats:
205lbs, 10-12%bf, 6'2"
i was looking to stay about same weight, but get lean as possible. possible w/this diet/stack?
i was looking to run this:
tren 75/ed, winny 100/eod, halo 12.5/ed (all for 8 weeks)
does this look like a good cutting stack?
is it alright to run a low cal diet w/this stack? im taking in 100-150g of carbs/day. also 250g of protien/day (chicken,shrimp,tuna,talapia fish)
sound ok?
thanx a lot guys
205lbs, 10-12%bf, 6'2"
i was looking to stay about same weight, but get lean as possible. possible w/this diet/stack?
i was looking to run this:
tren 75/ed, winny 100/eod, halo 12.5/ed (all for 8 weeks)
does this look like a good cutting stack?
is it alright to run a low cal diet w/this stack? im taking in 100-150g of carbs/day. also 250g of protien/day (chicken,shrimp,tuna,talapia fish)
sound ok?
thanx a lot guys