pintoca said:
You can say that again, Pimptoca Smoovensteinn.
(missed you too, Eeevil Wabbit and Sgt. Slauterre)
AHHHH... June... June 2nd, 2006, actually. What better day to restart a journal, eh?
Life is good, better than deserved. I am blessed beyond my worth and it makes me feel humbled. What a gift to be able to do the things we do, to share them, to teach. To attack the rolling emotions of life and come out alive, to be able to give back some of the great things we have been given: what greater joy? to see in a childs eyes the
trust...? How can one NOT give thanks, every day, for being able to give something back? No matter how bad it gets, and i have had an easy life compared to most, i can finally take a step back and say: thank you for all i have been given. All of it. Every minute. To have the ability to share a word, a hand, to make an effort, makes every struggle a challenge worth accepting. "Some of us turn what we eat into hard work and good humor, others into Philosophy and God. I am not one the worst, nor one of the best, just happy to be somewhere in between."
Todays Abuse:
'4 Quarters' Cardio:
15 minutes Arc Trainer
15 recumbent bike
15 precor EFX
15 lifefitness eliptical
this will almost certainly be done again this evening.
Resistance is not Futile:
Basic Back Attack:
Wide lat pulls to warm and then Pull ups, 3 sets to failure
Close Grip Low Rows, 140 for 12, 220 for 10, 260 for 5
One Arm Machine Rows, 90 for 8, 180 for 8, 225 for 6
Straight Arm Pulls, 35 for 12, 60 for 8, 85 for 7
Bis: had to jump ship on these, some tendonitis in left elbow, no bueno.
Straight Bar curls, 55 for 8, 85 for 8, 95 for 2
Reverse grip EZbar curls, 35 for 8, ... had to bail out. Shitsandwich on rye, actually. Which is a good segue into:
Eh... no cooking time, too many badly spaced appointments, my fault, totally. So its basicly a mixture of Bran Buds, Whole Oats, ISO AGB, walnuts, almonds, Ostrim and Muscle Milk today. If all goes well, i will hammer some roasted chicken and edamame down tonight...
Projected cal totals are about 2700-3000, which is low for this cutter...
Yes, i said LOW.
I like to train. Hard. I like to overtrain and over cardio. Sue me. Here is the gospel according to.. well... you know...
'There is no such thing as overtraining: only under fueling and under recovering.'
That on table leads me to train as hard and as much/often as i bloody well please thank you, as long as i eat accordingly and recover properly, you can take your no cardio gobbledy gook and pan-fry it. I like cardio. Hard, anaerobic nasty-ass-hammering for a long time. I like to sweat hard and be out of breath and approach toxic shock and brainswelling. I like to lift so hard blood vessels in my earlobes go poppity pop pop. 'Optimum Fat Burning'? I dont think so, and frankly, no longer care.
I like it. I will fuel appropriately to do so as long as my recovery times and sleep and supplementation support the effort and repair: so it goes. Life should be about compromises, but its got to be about crushing past the 'lid' of our preconceived limmits too, and spending my life doing only the recomended daily allowance of self'abuse is not going to get me 'there'.
thus endeth the caffein and endorphin rush based rant o' the day. I thank you for your patience. No kidding. Thanks.