New member
try this since your routine has too mcuh volume and overlapping body parts will inhibit strength and recovery and size.
D1 Back/traps
Deadlift, (chins/pulldowns), Barbell row, seated row, shrugs
D2 Chest/delts
Incline Barbell, Flat bench, flyes, military press, lateral raises, reverse flyes
D3 rest
D4 Arms
Close-grip bench, barbell curl, pushdowns, db curls, skullcrushers, hammer curls
D5 Legs/calves
Squats, SLDL, leg ext, hamstring curls, calf raises
D6 rest
D7 rest
I suggest pyramid up and down with weight and reps to hit all fibers for the greatest amount of hypertrophy. since you have not lifted weights for a long time this should cause some major soreness and growth.
D1 Back/traps
Deadlift, (chins/pulldowns), Barbell row, seated row, shrugs
D2 Chest/delts
Incline Barbell, Flat bench, flyes, military press, lateral raises, reverse flyes
D3 rest
D4 Arms
Close-grip bench, barbell curl, pushdowns, db curls, skullcrushers, hammer curls
D5 Legs/calves
Squats, SLDL, leg ext, hamstring curls, calf raises
D6 rest
D7 rest
I suggest pyramid up and down with weight and reps to hit all fibers for the greatest amount of hypertrophy. since you have not lifted weights for a long time this should cause some major soreness and growth.