Zyglamail EF MOD Moderator Platinum EF VIP Today at 8:45 AM #631 Nice leg routine, man. Can you include how long your workouts are taking?
Shrine Chairman of Board Chairman Member Today at 8:49 AM #632 Keep up the good work dumbbell Romanian deadlifts look really fun. One of the things I like is the Swiss ball lead curl as well. Very cool stuff.
Keep up the good work dumbbell Romanian deadlifts look really fun. One of the things I like is the Swiss ball lead curl as well. Very cool stuff.
caligirl85 Head Mod Elite Moderator Today at 8:55 AM #633 the bosu ball and Showing a picture of it is very helpful. I rarely see anyone using those.
zedhed Elite Moderator Elite Moderator Chairman Member Today at 9:01 AM #634 Nice leg routine for sure. I bet you were sore after that one.