Guys i am new and I don't know how to post a LOG, i will do it gladly if you tell me how, my biggest problem is how to connect training those muscles, i choose in my day 1 is back and bicep, 2 day chest abs and legs, 3 day shoulders and tricep, 4 day rest, day 5 is back and bicep, 6 day chest abs and legs, 7 day shoulders and tricep, 8 day rest and again. My biggest problem is that i don't know if those muscles groups are going with eachother good because of my weird kinda split with just almost 4 exercises for legs per week. I think those exercises are good but don't know if this is the best way to combine them for example maybe it is better to do chest and tricep. Some info about me, I trained muay thai for 4 years having couple fights but I decided half a year ago to focus on a gym. I train for 6 months but I really started to train for strict hypertrophy with a plan instead of doing random exercises 3 months ago. I am 185cm tall and weight 70kg/6'1 and 155lbs