Here' let me give you my daily diet:
Breakfast 8 a.m.
900-1000 calories: (150 grams of carbs, about 100 grams of protein and some fats in their from the eggs and milk)
Large Bowl (3-4 servings) of shredded wheat plain. With 2 cups of 1% milk. 600 ish calories Shredded what has 6 grams of protein per serving.
2 whole eggs
Protein shake. 40% whey isolate, 60% casein. 50 grams
12 oz of 100% fruit juice (6 oz grape & 6 oz apple, or 6oz orange) Yes, sugar is fine. Just not too much. This is the only time during the day that I have a large amount of sugar to get my body going in the mornings.
1000 AM.
Ready to drink Protein shake. 30 grams of protein, 160 calories.
(It's not even lunch and I have already eaten about 1100 calories.)
Lunch 12 nooon:
12 oz chicken, 2 cups of brown rice, cabbage and broccoli.
800 calories. 80 grams of protein.
snack: 5 snickers bars.
lol, just kidding. Protein bar. 20 grams of protein, 230 calories.
I usually have a slim fast right before I lift for energy. 250 calories 10 grams of protein.
Post workout.
Waxy maize 30 grams (120 calories) followed 10 minutes later with 50 grams of wehy isolate mixed with 30 more grams of waxy maize. All in total is 480 calories.
Dinner, 12 oz of chicken, fish or steak. Which ever. Vegetables and 1 cup (dry) of oatmeal. 90 grams of protein 70 grams complex carbs and veggies, and probably about 15 grams of fat. So thats another 750-800 calories.
Snack: donuts.... just checking. Though, honestly I occasionally have milk and cookies. Once in a while doesn't hurt.
I usually just have a bowl of grape nuts flakes (450 calories, and20 grams protein counting the milk) to hold me over til bed when I have 50 grams of protein (20% whey isolate, 80% casein.) 200 calories.
Totalling it up:
Cals: about 4200-4600 daily
Protein: 400-450
Of course, I weigh 225 at 13%ish(no cardio) BF vs your 175 and similar BF% (too much cardio). I weighed a little over 175 last november.
If I substituted water for milk, I would drop to 9-10% BF in 2 months without even doing cardio due to the absence of the extra sugar.
Eat lots of food. End of story.
Oh, and BTW it took me 45 minutes to run these numbers off my nutrtion labels and type all this shit. It matters to me you get some help to reach your goals. I had a 14 hr day at work and school, and I am tired and feel like total shit, but here I am helping you out.
Listen to what us guys are telling you. Put on some mass first. Eat some food. Be conservative with your carbs (which means don't have 300 grams of sugar a day), but eating 1500 calories a day will get you nowhere forever. Posting up for cycle help in aas is fine. When it's obvious you need to make vast improvements elsewhere and not using drugs as a crutch to get you where you want (temporarily may I add), don't be offended when people tell you what you don't want to hear. What you have been told here and in your cycle thread is what is best for you. I promise, and trust me on that.
If you want to get ripped, that's great. That is a goal everyone has. But, being ripped at 165 lbs (10 pounds of fat off your current frame) makes you look like a concentration camp victim.
You don't have to be 230 lbs and 6% BF either. Just put on some decent mass first bro.
You'd be surprised that you won't be putting on much fat at all as well. Your genetics largely control your BF. If you are eating a lot, your metabolism boosts to contol your body weight and fat deposition. Total lard asses are lard asses for 3 reasons. 1: they eat mcdonalds 3 times a day. 2: they are geneticaly prone to storing fat like crazy. 3: People get old and that's what happens. You are NOT any of these, so getting fat should be of no concern to you.
I've now been typing this for an hour, along with my replies to your other thread. I hope you appreciate what I and others have told you. I really wish you the best, and it's my job here to help the members out because I am just another one of you guys trying to reach goals. I need help along the way too, and there are smart and experienced guys who know how to get there.
For what it's worth.