I'm so happy yours' went so well after all that work you put into it!!!!ck2006 said:Sorry to hear about all the feuding THAT sucks, and not just cause it is christmas time, it sucks anytime, but I hope it is all done with and tell anyone that wants to pick a fight with you anymore to try again in 2007 cause you are done for the year!
staying in the pj's sounded fun!
Mine was great, christmas eve was a blast and went over very well, we had more people than expected but we found chairs, a couple things I will change next year, like more room between tables but it is all good.
Christmas day the kids got up at 4:30 am, we told them to go back to bed but then I got all excited and got up at 5:00 sooo we were all very tired all day long, my company didn't come till 5 and left at 7 but I didn't care cause we were sooo tired. We watched pirates of the caribean but I have to watch it again cause I didn't get any of it LOL.
Boxing day went over to my parents and got to see my brother cause he came down from BC, and the rest of the family on my mom's side
Today my parents, hubby's parents and my brother are coming over here. We just finished cleaning the house and took the tree down already so I am happy the house is clean.
My brother is a plumber and he is going to do the pluming for the upstairs shower and then we are tiling it. (not all this week of course)
and my dad is an electrician and he is doing the basement, or at least seeing what needs to be done today
My hubby's dad is going to install the garage door opener
and I am going to BINGO tonight with the ladies and my grama (that is why we are going)

Sounded like a very good time!!!
No joke about no more pickin fights with me... That's why I shut people off because then there is no pickin with someone that you don't know anything about. Funny because my goal this past year was to open up more to people and not be so to myself. Well if I would have stuck by my old goal I wouldn't have been in ANY of the talks I had. Pro's and con's to both sides. So this next year is to find a happy medium between the two