Have you tried both compounds alone?
The dosage is OK and the length... if it was my cycle i would do 12 weeks length and I would lower the dose at the end of the cycle to minimize the hormonal crash.
You see... the hormonal crash at the end of the cycle will always occur... decreasing the dose, we try to minimize, but not to totally exclude... but you will suffer the same as women with ADS.
Now keep in mind that ... any and all muscular results that you have outside the female phenotype and your own limit ... to maintain it you will have to continue using male hormones.
You see ... a muscular physique does not match the female nature and to get there you had to use male hormones so to maintain the physical achieved with male hormones, you will have to maintain the use... your female hormonal profile will not be able to maintain the gains, because it's unnatural.
For women, physique sculpted with steroids are leased physique... if you stop pay the rent, you lose the physique. It sounds pretty obvious and it actually is, but a lot of women do not understand that. And it is in the prolonged use of male hormones that women begin to look masculine.
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