It may be partly my fault that I have not gained more, man its just dam hard to eat with that dam bloat.
My cardo....LOL 5 min on workout days bro. Oterwise just normal day to day moving around. I kinda dont wanna do much cuz want the mass. But on my cruise I do plan to go back to 20 min 3 days/week at a minimum.
Knees doing ok bro thanks for asking. AS long as I am sensible about knowing my limits and not pushing too hard too fast I am for the most part long as I have Adequan at hand and on the ready that is ....
OK on the fence right now as weather or not to quit the the drol for this go round. My good bro CEO suggests quit and then next round shoot it up to 100mgs/day. And that makes sense but.....Im kinda afraid that if I stop it my progress for the blast is gonna tank. What to do what to do????

So I am not seeing the weight gain that I expected but the strength just keeps coming. So Ima thinking Im gonna continue it at the 50mg/day dose for the rest of this blast.
CEO still muchly appreciate your advice bro, believe me I do man!
Diet 8/2
6 98% lead sausage links.
3 whole eggs
16 oz 2% milk
Teraki beef and fried rice....I love this shit....4 cups.
30 oz water
2 cups 25 cottage cheese
2 scoops Ice cream
16 oz 2% milk
24 oz 2% milk
2 whole grain muffins with 1 tablespoon olive oil on each half
DBL Quarter pounder with cheese...been on the run all day so far.
Shake, 2 scoops with 16 oz 2% milk
2 Large handsfulls of mixed nuts no penuts.
18 oz Bonless pork ribs, goooood stuff!
1 Large garden tomatoe
1 cup 2% cottage cheese
Not able to workout today will do tomorrow.