Mon April 7/03
Last night I stayed up too late and I just didnt get enough sleep for today... I was very unmotivated to workout, and my tendon running into my tricep from my elbow has been bugging me lately..... so I decided that next week is going to be a week off.... get refocused and come back hard... I plan on doing cardio all week and eating clean as well... anyways.. here was todays routine.. I mixed it up a little bit to try to entertain myself... lol
Incline barbell Bench
1x4x204 <-- had to stop... tricep was annoying
1x6x185 (felt like going lighter, tricep was annoying me)
Flat dumbeel bench
1x8x95's Wasnt hard, but elbow was once again pissing me off
1x12x80's Wanted to get at least a pump.. so I kept crankin them out
Incline Flys
Abs, Decline
1x10x25lb plate
1x6x35lb plate
2x10 leg raises with a pause at top
Cuban rotations
No cardio today...