New member
I havn't posted my progress on here for a while.. so I figure I might as well start tossing it up again.. helps me keep track of my weights...
Im currently around 197 lbs at 5'10. Somewhere around 15% BF I'm trying to lean down slowly while simultaneously gaining strength... I know its hard.. but we'll give it a few more weeks and see what happens
I'm basically doing 5x5 but on chest and back i do 3 sets of 5, and shoulders and legs i do 5x5.... with the rest of the coresponding sets 5x5 style.
Anyways.. heres today workout
Tues March 25/03
Rack Deads from below the knee with super thick bar
2 sets of 4 with 345 <-- I think this is a PR... couldn't get a fifth rep because its so damn hard to hold onto this bar
1 set of 8 with 225 <-- Switched to a lighter weight because the thick bar was making me strain my neck trying to hold on... will use the thinner bar next week
Wide Grip Chinups
1 set of 8 with body weight
2 sets of 7 with body weight
I did 3 sets of 8 last week... Rack deads really whiped me
Chest supported bent over Rows
3 sets of 10 with 2 45 lb plates <--- SUper easy
Seated Rows
1x6x185 PR!
25 minutes moderate intensity cardio on eliptical trainer
Its been about 12 hours and Im aching already... Traps really took it hard today
I havn't posted my progress on here for a while.. so I figure I might as well start tossing it up again.. helps me keep track of my weights...
Im currently around 197 lbs at 5'10. Somewhere around 15% BF I'm trying to lean down slowly while simultaneously gaining strength... I know its hard.. but we'll give it a few more weeks and see what happens
I'm basically doing 5x5 but on chest and back i do 3 sets of 5, and shoulders and legs i do 5x5.... with the rest of the coresponding sets 5x5 style.
Anyways.. heres today workout
Tues March 25/03
Rack Deads from below the knee with super thick bar
2 sets of 4 with 345 <-- I think this is a PR... couldn't get a fifth rep because its so damn hard to hold onto this bar
1 set of 8 with 225 <-- Switched to a lighter weight because the thick bar was making me strain my neck trying to hold on... will use the thinner bar next week
Wide Grip Chinups
1 set of 8 with body weight
2 sets of 7 with body weight
I did 3 sets of 8 last week... Rack deads really whiped me
Chest supported bent over Rows
3 sets of 10 with 2 45 lb plates <--- SUper easy
Seated Rows
1x6x185 PR!
25 minutes moderate intensity cardio on eliptical trainer
Its been about 12 hours and Im aching already... Traps really took it hard today