im trying to cut some body fat during my summer cycle what do you guys think of carbs after your workout. After my workout i drink a 50g shake with no carbs and in debate of adding one tablespoon of natural grape jam
totally! The most critical time for your carb-intake is either 1st in the morning or after your workout-- those are the two times where your body is most likely will not store them as fat at all!
Plus, it creates a anabolic environment after you consume a high gi-carb shake post-workout (dextrose w/ whey) to help repair muscle and so forth.
Take the carbs, screw the jelly though. Get some dextrose. Carbs after your workout, espeicaly when carb depleted, won't be stored as fat! They'll be used only for glycogen replacement.
Fruit has fructose in it...not good for refilling muscle glycogen and is low GI. Dextrose is probably the best carb you can take post workout. Very high GI, refills muscle glycogen nicely.
the right protein will slow some of the digestion of the carbs down...also, fruits and vegetables have phytochemicals in them that work really well with the body...I'm doing this with no problem right now and losing fat/increasing muscle at a nice rate....