courtneybcca said:
thanks ladies for all your responses.... I know now I shouldn't have posted this in here but I thought that I might have been taking this the wrong way and just wanted to see what the general consensus was..
I am a retard I know that… Just because I don’t care that everyone knows my business doesn’t mean everyone else feels the same… MOUTH IS SHUT FROM NOW ON!!! Promise everyone that!!!
to this day, no dictionary will have the same meaning for 'intelligence'.
its defined differently in psychology, religion, and other fields of study.
for me, intelligence is the same as common sense...
the 'gift' (if you will) to recognize reality as it is.
to interepret situations with rationale.
to shut up when words arent needed...
and to speak up when needed.
i dont know if this is called foolish, stupid, or just loopy loop, but i cant stand when people talk too much.. its critical to stay in focus. call me picky or a pain in the ass... whatever... i keep to myself most of the time and know when to speak up. its gotten me far in life.
intelligence isnt reading a bunch of books and earning a univesity degree.
its the drop out that made a few million dollars and is succesfully raising a healthy family.