Re: 2008 Competition Preparation
Ok, I just found another medical measurement where bodybuilders may show a discrepancy.
I had bloods taken by my mate yesterday, and I just checked my results.
U/E - urea and electrolytes - renal/kidney function
sodium - 140 mmol/L normal
potassium - 3.9 nmol/L normal
urea - 8.7 mmol/L REALLY HIGH (this is from high protein diet)
creatinine - 121 mmol/L again REALLY HIGH (but this indicated how much muscle mass you have as well, and mine is UP from the last time I checked)
So that isn't the issue, the issue is that there is a calculation to do an estimated glomerular filtration rate, and it said I was in chronic kidney disease stage 3 (CKD3) as my creatinine is so high.
Just so my GP doesn't freak, I peed into a pot and did a urine total protein, and while I was waiting, I also did a dipstick.
I am also doing a microalbumin (which is a super sensitive measure of protein in urine) just to be on the safe side.
My UTP (urine total protein) is normal 0.13 mg/L
My cholesterol is LOW as well, 4.4 mmol/L and my HDL is high 1.95 mmol/L which has me with a ratio of 2.3, very low risk category.
Cortisol results
Cortisol reference values in plasma or serum vary with the time of sampling, from a mean value of 325 nmol/L (range 154 – 638) between 8am and 10am, to about 190 nmol/L (range 79 – 388) between 3pm and 5pm.
I had my bloods done at about 4 pm, non-fasting as well
Cortisol was 209 nmol/L
Glucose 4.9 mmol/L
All my other hormones were all normal
As far as training goes, I am doing 3 on-calls in 5 days, so far it has been riding my bike to and from work.
I am so saddle sore, I see why people wear those really hideous shorts.
I am hoping it is from lower body fat.