Good news. Staff infection not a clot. Pumped about that.
Also got a bod pod test done and was kind of floored. It said I was 10.7% I'm at a loss of words.
i think people generally tend to underestemate their bodyfat levels... you have very little bodyfat on you, that is for sure... but not an overwhelmingly large ammount of muscle, not saying in disrespect, as you have worked damn hard at this... and i am no beast myself...
this makes me want to get tested myself, because i pinned myself at about 6-7% as of this week... not sure if i want to know the truth now...
dont let this discourage you, eat more and grow bigger and with more size your ratio of fat to muscle will change... this is a never ending race for all of us trying to achieve bodybuilding goals... same goes for powerlifting, there is always weight that can be added to the bar...