Alright so the workout this morning kicked my ass.
I ran for twenty min and cleared 2.5 miles. Then in 35 min I was able to Rep out 660 reps. I was sweating all over the place. Veins were comin out all over the place....just no hot chicks this morning to show em off too!!!
I got done and figured I had an hour to recuperate before the beach training started.
I was wrong
As soon as I got there I was in the thick of it.
We played a side out game so you can get more reps. A lot more. It takes about 45 min for a match. It's non stop go go go king of the court style. I blocked full time. So basically Max Vert, then sprint. Did that no lie. 4 1/2 straight hours...
I'm cramping all over the damn place! Going through water and veggies like a damn hoover.