Hey Bader I'm rocking it twice a week. The same with the primo. I think instead of Mast, I will be using MHN the last 6 weeks of the cycle. It's like winny without the joint issues though, and I've heard increases athletic performance.
I'm doing really well on the diet. By the time sunday rolls around I will have put in 48 hours at work in 4 days. Despite this, I've woken up and made all my meals with fervor. I'm not going to sully this competition with half assed efforts. I'm two weeks in and I'm close (about a percent of Bodyfat) away from where I was when I finished my 6 week shred contest. So I'm on track.
I've been talking with Zed on numerous occasions about varying things, and I must say, he is a great man. Very helpful, a lot like N2. There when you need him.
Thanks Zed.
I've been rocking TGC (The Gentlemen's Club) anabolics, and my oh my are they wonderful. I hit a nerve with the first pin, and eventually got very very sore, but the other sites where I injected twice the amount have no pain or soreness at all!!! Awesome company, with top notch customer service. I'll be posting pictures soon of the gear itself.
Take care everyone.
Fight like a Mother F***ING Brave!!!!