I found the new ultimate Preworkout mixture.
150mg primo, 250mg Sust. 200mg caffine. Holy ****!!! I about had a dance off (by myself) in the gym parking lot! I thought I was high!
Then I destroyed everything IN the gym.
20 min jog, then I thought....hey you need to up your cardio...so I did a 10 min sprint. Felt like a champ. Then I was like....Hmm...you need better anaerobic endurance....so I did the Insane Train Monday Protocol. The first exercise is Front squat to press to plyo pull-up. Which destroys you. Especially the jello-i- legs I just brutalized from sprints. I found a second gear
1 set of 15/15
1 set of 12/12
1 set of 10/10 (Killed it. Grunted and pain screamed the whole time)
Then I moved straight into Bosu-Ball 50lb Dumbell Press followed by 12kg medicine ball chest pass.
1 set of 15/15
1 set of 12/12
Then I used the same weight and a Half Bosu-Ball and did bent over dumbell rows followed by Balanced Medicine ball slams.
1 set of 15/15
1 set of 12/12
It was awesome. I don't think I spent more than 45 seconds in between any set, and it's more weight, and more reps than I've used in the passed. I got to get a heart monitor so I can track what it's doing for spywizard. I am happy to say NO BLOOD PRESSURE ISSUES WHATSOEVER ON TGC ANABOLICS!!! In fact, the other day I had my blood pressure measured and I was 110/59!!! Which is awesome!!!! the week before that I was 125/67 which is like the lowest I've been in a while! I'm so stoked with this stuff, and how the training and diet are coming together!
I'm stoked too, I think I'm getting a new car....well I'm going to lease one. A little civic. I had one before and I absolutely loved it. it's only 125 a month! It will be awesome to have in California cause....well the 90'GMC I have just wouldn't cut it. I found out how much I'm making there and I was pretty shocked really. 3000 a month from the gym and another 1750 from coaching!!! Which is hella cool since my rent is only 350 a month!!! Hahahaha I am soooooo ready to get out of this hole. I'm going to do something I haven't done in a long time and openly thank the lord for helping me out. I've been pretty resistant to any type of personal progression but for the past month or two I've really been trying hard. Some might even call it "Fake it till ya make it". I'm ok with that, cause I think I'm being a better person, and appreciating more in my life because of it. Anywho...I know that was kind of a long winded update into my life, but I wanted to share it with ya'll cause you're also apart of my family. So many of you shape my daily outlook on life. So thank you