I would love to build mass.
I have kinda concluded I am not a mass builder.
Done tren, dbol, Tbol, NPP, primo.deca, every sarm. Test 200-600 Etc…
High protein, good fats, low carb 1200 cal cuts, 4000 cal high protein clean bulks.
When I get bigger all the parts I want to stay trim get bigger.
I feel better trim. Just want to make the muscles larger than they are.
I eat right train hard. Fought many injurys. And I am no spring chicken. I hate to use labels but yes I am a hard gainer.
On the success side I am developing a lot of the little muscle that I never had before. Only really been at it 7 years 59 years old this year.
I can run around at 180- 210lb 8-15 % bf.
Sure I would love to be 10% bf at 200 lbs.
I do use PEDs. I understand they only enhance my hard work. I do not think I can just take something and swell up. Some guys do, not me. Others may work harder than me but I’m consistent and ready for any challenge.
I finally got the weight off from last couple year of bulking and 2.5 year of shitty shoulder.