Oops a little under goal this morning.
And did this without cardio. Yes I do need to do more cardio for good health reasons and just tight up a bit.
I don’t want to loose any more weight. Now just maintain the 180 mark. Was only shooting for 185. But heck this works also.
Monday is final follow up with ortho. I am super pleased. Pretty sure he will be also.
This is the 6 month post op. Cant believe it is here.
I feel great. I am still about 95 percent healed. I am a head of where I was pre op. Yes I wish I had done this two years earlier. There damage in the shoulder was less then but I thought I could do it without surgery. Oh well all this is in the past.
I hear so many horror stories about this surgery now. I am glad I didn’t hear them earlier.
The common thing I see with bad experiences is recovery. I went in healthy and in shape. I did an extreme amount of range of motion exercises. Went to all of my rehab and listened to them and my Dr.
I pushed it hard with respect to the healing process.
If any went wrong i didn’t want it to be because I slacked!
Yes I believe BPC 157, TB 500 and HGH played a huge role in my recovery.
Yes I will take some pics soon.
Gotta start doing more ab work. My abs lost some since I ignored them the last couple years.
Been bulking and trying add size. Just doesn’t really work on me. Or I am doing it wrong. Now that I am healed and trim again we shall see!