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WoNderWoMan25 said:I can't tell you - They are hard to find and I'm holding on to this one!
He is the same one who packs my lunch in the AM as I make our protein shakes, the same one who took out the garbage today, the same one who had dinner on the table when I got home from the gym last night, who has great great eyes & smile, who spots me on chest and leg days, who encourages me and notices changes in my body even when he sees me day in/day out, who himself has a 6'4 linebacker build, and the same one who everyday, tells me he loves my booty!
Ok - I'm done - Just need to bring out the bragging rights on occasion!!
Braggin rights are always accepted and kudos to the bf for being so supportive.
My bf is in a land far far away called Oklahoma and when I comment about sore muscles he tries to make me laugh by saying something like: "pain is your body's way of saying STOP THAT **IT......" he knows that always makes me laugh. (He has a physical job so he's bustin hump all day.)