Oh yeah my routine goes like this:
Food Intake:
Bk: Special K Cereal, fruit, milk, coffee, Peanut Butter Wheat Toast or
Oatmeal w/ chopped Bananas, Juice, coffee, fruit.
Water in between Bk & Lunch
Peanuts, granola bars for snack
Lunch: Salad: Lettuce, Tomatoe, Shredded Cheese, Ham & Fat Free Ranch, Gatorade. potato salad w/ a small piece of chicken or rice, Chicken, Potatoe (Sometimes Mashed or 1/2 Baked), calliflower, broccoli, corn, or carrots
Dinner: Shrimp, Lobster, Salad *same as above* potatoes, broccoli w/ cheese, rice, basically the same as lunch but I mix them up if I know I'm not going to have a slow night and I don't want to eat heavy and just sit there. I try and eat good before I go to the gym so I'll have some energy.
Work Out is like so:
Generally we do section Work-Outs every M-W-F at 0600 that consist of Muscle Failure, Cardio & Sports Day. Lame I know reason for me doing P.T on my own.
But my workout is this:
M: Tri's & Back some cardio
T: Bi's/Abs
W: Shoulders/ some cardio
T: Delts
F: Legs/Calves/Abs
S: Pyramid/calastics/ some cardio
S: Rest
Seem's extensive, but my Husband works out and has set me up w/a routine. I think I'll have more arms then abs then I want. Hench I need a womens advice.