Wheeeee! So pumped. I'm stupid giddy excited*Bunny* said:you're more homo sapien than I am! LMFAO ,,,, iit...
see you soooooooooooooooooooooon

I PMed you back about that. Whoops.sbt2082 said:6 days is right!!!!
and I CANNOT wait either!!!!
p.s. ANSWER your phone woman!!!!![]()

Saturday, February 24, 2007
Chest & Back + Cardio
Incline DB Press (Goal: 1 set w/ 35# dbs or 3 sets 30# dbs x 12)
Tried 35# dbs a few times, couldn't get them over my head. Almost in tears b/c I was embarassed and Ulter cracked a girl joke to cheer me up and motivate me... so when I didn't do it I felt so stupid. I know I can push them (and he does too; he's good at motivating me; I know it's fun and games) but my shoulders weren't ready to get them up and overhead yet.

1. 30# dbs x 11
2. x 12
3. x 10 I was maxing early because I spent energy trying to get those 35# up and I did a WU set w/ 25# dbs before all of that. *sigh*

Lat Pulldowns (Goal: Perfect form, sets of 10-12)
WU: 90# x 10 Anterior delts were on FIRE from the last moves so I wanted to kinda go easy
97.5# x 10 reps x 3 sets
DB Bench Press (Goal: 3 sets w/ 30# dbs, 8-10 reps)
1. 30# dbs x 10
2. same as 1
3. 30# dbs x 7, MAXED, DS 25# dbs x 6

Seated Row (Goal: 105#, 8-10 reps, 3 sets)
105# x 10 x 3 sets Did just fine with the goal!
Pec Deck (Goal: Add WU set; 3 sets x 75#)
WU: 60# x 9 bent arms, x 3 arms straight out (pushing with elbows)
1. 75# x 6 bent arms, 7 & 8 halfway in (works different muscles)
2. same as 1
3. same as 1 Kinda feel like I half-assed this one.

Post-Lifting Cardio Circuit
20 minutes HIIT Precor Elliptical
20 minutes max-level rowing machine, steady state
12 minute run on the treadmill (Stairmill was taken)
TOTAL: 52 minutes The run actually felt really good! Didn't want to risk hurting my knees thought b/c they've been great for months now since I stopped running. DO miss it a little bit...
It had been 11 days since I did chest and back last, so to go for the glory and expect all PRs would have been a bit lofty, but I'll take it. I was really surprised at how sore my anterior delts were immediately after -- but they are DEFINITELY starting to come out, so that was a neat thing to see.
Additional cool story: I've been having fat feelings again, and I was changing in the locker room post-workout and looking at how huge my thighs are... but then for some reason I turn my leg out (posing style) and HOLY

Then I stood up to see my calves raised... and sure enough, those are now cutting in half too, defined... I was so excited I giggled.

SO it's been 4 weeks with 20-rep-sets on my legs (Monday will be Week 5) and it's been 5 weeks with spinning classes 3 times a week as part of my cardio stuff... and my legs are really just starting to come along.
The last part of my progress is to get rid of the large fat-berg on my butt... and to continue to lean out my legs.
Surgery is the last week in May. I can't wait to get this damn skin OFF of me. It bothers me more and more every time I see progress elsewhere on my body. I deserve that freakin' surgery at this point... cannot wait to hit the beach with a normal body this year.
*Off soapbox* Peace out for now.