This is just a trip --- so she calls me this morning -- she lost her phone yesteday.
So she says she will send me the offer and asked if we could talk tonite. So then I spend all day waiting on the at dinner, around 7 pm, she calls and says basically the title is a director level and the salary I wanted is a little more than they wanted to put, but could make up soem of the difference w/ bonus stuff, etc. -- basically she's telling me we can negotiate and she still has to put together all the details.... I'm still sorta rolling my eyes... at the fact that she is again telling me to "wait" until tomorrow morning when she emails. (She "is" the HR dept and has only been there 2 months and has filled 25 reqs and has 54 more to go so she's been swamped...)
But the point is that the offer has been made.... details will be dealt w/ tomorrow....