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New to the Elite Fitness Women's Forum START HERE

Hi gals! Posting to a forum is new to me - so bare with me. I am currently a work in progress, as the saying goes. Last January I convinced myself to get off my butt and to get back to who I was when I was in my 20's. As I was turning 40 this past December, I had decided losing 40 pounds would be my present. Fast forward to now, I have lost a total of 64 lbs. I did it the old fashioned way, of watching what I was eating and baby steps - walking then on to running. I currently am working towards a half marathon in July. I do track my food, through But maybe I need to switch to the site mentioned in one of the stickies as it sounds like it breaks down my protein/carbs, etc.

However, with that said, my stats are as follows (weight and bf% coming from my scale):
33.1% BF

I started weight training in February... I say that with tongue in cheek, as I wasn't taking it as serious, as I was stressing the running portion of my training. My nephew opened up a CrossFit Gym in Oregon and proceeded to "educate" me on the importance of strength training. I started dating a "gymrat" as some have named them around that time period as well, and he has helped some. He was a certified trainer back in Arizona, but focused more on the guys. We rotate our workouts every day: backs/chest, arms, legs, etc. I try to fit in my running, biking or swimming laps in 3-4 times a week. However, this past month I've been preoccupied and haven't really focused on my cardio as much, as I've been taking classes, and we're getting to the end of our semester and I've had finals to study for as well as papers due. I've still managed to get to the gym, albeit for about an hour of weights, not cardio. Basically, I feel I'm stalling. (I am really seriously loving the weights btw!! But have noticed I have gained some weight no much, just 2-5lbs - though I know it's muscle as my arms and back are starting to feel and look good.)

My diet consists of a modified Paleo, with protein shakes after workouts. I love to cook and have enjoyed learning how to cook the "clean" way. I noticed on the shopping list there isn't Grape Seed oil. Is that a no-no? as I use it more often than anything else, when I do use oil. I also use Coconut oil. When I say modified, I don't eat a lot of bread, but maybe once a week will have a tuna sandwich (boyfriend fixes it, so don't want to hurt his feelings... LOL). Even then, it's cracked whole wheat bread. I get other carbs from squash's etc.

I guess what I'm hoping to get out of this forum is a more complete training/diet guide from those who have been there and or have done or doing that and can point me in the right direction. I realize my BF is still high, but I have to remind myself, that a year ago, I was still weighing over 200 lbs and the BF was much higher. Last year I had a goal to lose the weight before my 40 bday. This year my goal is to look tighter, more toned.

Also, I have had 4 children. Ages range from 10-20. I'm not sure if anyone else has this problem, but I have this little muffin top right above my belly button that I can't seem to eliminate. The lower portion of my abs are looking great... The stretch marks I can live with, as they are my battle wounds (ha ha) from children. Suggestions?? Thanks for listening to me rant. :rainbow:
Howdy cowgirl (I thought of that myself),

I felt inspired after reading your post. It sounds like you have made a lifestyle change instead of just going on a diet. Maybe you should be giving us advice.

As for the little pooch from having children, I have the same problem. My kids are 14, 12 and 6. I am in very good shape but that little fold of skin just won't tighten up. I wouldn't worry about it though. Keep eating right and exercising and you will continue to feel better and look better.

If you want detailed advice post a sample diet for a day and your workout routine. Sometimes a tweak here are there can really help.

Rebecca D
Hey all,

New to the forum, getting back into the fitness game. Had a motorbike crash in March last year left me out of the gym up until May just gone. Had a car pull out on me when riding to work along the freeway ended up hitting them at about 100km/hr. I ended up doing some serious damage to my right shoulder (lucky I didn’t hit the car about 6 inches further to the right because it would have been my head instead), lots of surgery etc so needless to say I’m in bad shape but I’m working on getting back to where I was to start and then to get even better because I’d be stupid to not make the most of the second chance I was given! Looking forward to chatting with you guys and getting some tips on how to get to where I want to be. Any help is appreciated both gym and dietary.

I’m currently eating Paleo have been for a few months now and wouldn’t look back it’s amazing how much better you feel when you remove the crap from your diet (I was a cheese and cracker fiend before). I currently hit the gym a minimum of 4 nights a week, 5 if I get the chance, mixing up weights and cardio (definitely prefer the weights!). I’m 5’11” weighing in at about 75kg, I’m not wanting to lose weight as such I want to build muscle.

I live in Perth Australia although I am originally from the UK. I’m 21 work fulltime and have a great partner who also works out (which is great for extra motivation).

Speak soon!

Olivia (aka Smiffins)
Hi ladies,

I've been "stalking" the forum for about a month for info about workouts and nutrition and, as it turns out, entertainment. What a bunch of characters on here! Anyway, I figured I should finally introduce myself. I'm 34, single and no kids, 5'8", 198 and 35.2% (scale at my gym today). Boy, do I hate admitting those numbers.

Medically, I've had surgery on both knees and the left achilles tendon repaired. I had to start hormone therapy (bio-identical and NOT synthetic garbage) a year ago. I am hypo-thyroid, low test, low progesterone, low estrogen, and high cortisol. I don't know quite how to express how I felt before HRT except to say I just felt like half of a human being. My regular doctor did a basic lab and said I must be lying about my eating habits and my TSH was borderline but ok. After 6 more months of feeling like a useless piece of crap, I finally went to an endocrinologist that a colleague recommended. He tested my free T3 and a long list of other things. The first thing he said to me when I went for my lab results was, "Well, I know why you feel bad. But I can fix you."

Other than wacky hormones and thyroid, my blood work is good. My total cholesterol is 156, my BP runs normal, my resting HR averages 80.

I have a very stressful and demanding job (physically and mentally) that is predominantly a male field. I'm expected to maintain a minimal fitness level for my own work safety and effectiveness, which was never a problem in my 20's. I've always been an active person and like working out.

I am happy to report that hormone therapy has made me feel like a relatively normal person again. Losing weight and body fat is so friggin' tough though. I can't eat completely clean everyday because of my job, but I think I do pretty dang good considering. Lots of salmon, tuna, grilled chicken, salads, black bean and peach salsa (my own recipe and its yummy)... usually the right stuff. For on the go replacements when work just sucks, I keep Cliff Bar Mojo bars around- much lower carb count than the regular Cliff Bars- and they don't melt in my vehicle and bag. I aim to keep my daily intake at 1800 but I admit I don't obsess about it.

My PT routine is really simple and hardly any machines:
2-3 mile jog x 3 or 4 days/week (I'm slow- 11 minute mile pace or so)
bad weather days: 45 minutes on elliptical at 10% incline and level 2 resistance

push ups- the "real way" until I can't (usually 15 x 2) and then on my knees for another 25
situps with a medicine ball (15 lb)- 20 x 3
squats- 30 x 2
pullups (with the weight assisted machine- don't judge me! lol)
lunges (only sometimes- my knees don't like these much)

And that's pretty much it. This is stuff I can consistently fit into my day and can do even when I don't go to a gym. I'd love some advice one what kind of things I could/should add and how often.

My goals for the next 12-18 months:
170 lbs and/or 22% BF
Do a pull up without any weight assistance!

Thanks for reading all that and for any helpful input.
hi im joanna and im new here too!
can you tell when should i drink my protein during the day? after workout?how often?
my goal is to lose fat...
thanks a lot
Pre and post for sure. If you want you can replace a mid-day meal with a shake while you're at it. Just don't go overboard, you need good whole foods too
Oh man, LOVE all that info and the links!
I'm new here (obviously) but I've been lurking these boards for about a year now. I was overweight throughout my entire childhood (thanks to S.A.D. - Standard American Diet) but I got into yoga at 17 when it became a fad. From there I started running and learned that I have a passion for sports and fitness. I'm 23 and am only now considering becoming a PT, which is what brought me to this website. I was googling info for cert.s

My stats: I'm 5'8", around 135lbs (I haven't weighed myself in years. There's a line of reasoning behind that but I won't get into it now.), and I'm not sure what my body fat % is but it's probably fairly low.
Goals: Like I said before, I want to become a personal trainer. I'm also looking into getting a BS and getting certified by the A.D.A. to be a registered dietitian as I feel nutrition is a vastly underrated key element in both health and physical fitness.
Current training: I'm pretty sloppy about tracking or maintaining a specific diet and exercise routine. I run about 4-5 days a week (weather permitting, it's like the arctic about 5-6 months out of the year where I live). I do a lot of HIIT, yoga, pilates, general stuff. I counted calories for a while but I don't like that method, it's too obsessive and promotes a negative relationship with food, in my opinion. I eat fresh fruits & vegetables as much as possible (it's about 50% of my diet but I would prefer it to be about 70%, difficult to do on a budget though.) I don't eat meat too much but I'm not attempting to build muscle, just maintain. I'd say I have a serving of meat (fish, chicken, even red meat occasionally) for dinner almost every night and a few eggs for breakfast on occasion. I eat a lot of nuts and legumes, oats and various other grains.

I'm so excited to be on these boards now! I feel like I've fallen into a vast pit of information about something I love and I'm just soaking it all in. :D
it is interesting on this diet fat is every 3rd day.. curious why not have small amounts everyday? thanks

Since I get asked about this a fair bit I will also post my contest diet it is no big secret that is Dave's Palumbo's diet.

DIET #1 for 2 dayst then follow DIET #2 for 1 days.then REPEAT

12 egg whites
35g Whey protein in water+ice
6oz chicken with 1-cup asparagus or green beans
6oz white fish (fluke, flounder, tilapia, sole, ect.) with a green salad with vinegar & mustard (no olive or macadamia nut oil)
35g Whey protein in water or 10 egg whites

2 whole (OMEGA-3) Eggs with 5 egg whites
35g Whey protein with 1 tablespoon all natural peanut butter
6oz chicken with 1/4-cup (1oz) cashew nuts, or almonds, or walnuts (vary it)
5oz salmon or swordfish with a green salad (no tomatoes, red peppers, or carrots) with 1 tsp of Olive Oil or Mac Nut Oil and vinegar
35g Whey with 1 tablespoon all natural peanut butter or 2 whole (OMEGA-3) EGGS with 5 whites

Cheat meal once per week (in place of meal #5).
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